Qi Chen
This workshop is to introduce the basic concepts of Lidar, the popular and innovative methods for Lidar data processing and information extraction, with a focus on terrain mapping and forest studies. The attendants will learn 1) the principles of Lidar systems, 2) the typical Lidar systems, sensors, software, data, and applications, 3) the general procedure for processing airborne lidar data, 4) the popular and innovative methods for Lidar data filtering and terrain mapping for both urban and vegetated areas, 5) an overview of methods for extracting forest information at the stand and individual-tree levels, 6) an introduction of ground-based Lidar, 7) the application of satellite GLAS data for forest mapping, and 8) the remaining challenges of Lidar data processing and the advices of finishing your Lidar projects.
Dr. Qi Chen received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management from the University of California at Berkeley in 2007 and now is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His main research interest in remote sensing is lidar data processing and information extraction for airborne sensors as well as ground-based and satellite sensors. He has developed novel algorithms and published extensively on lidar point cloud filtering, bare earth generation and vegetation structural parameters extraction from individual-tree to regional scales. He also organized and presented tutorials for Naval Postgraduate School (2007), ASPRS (2007), and US-IALE (2009).