The deadline of January 22 for submitting travel support applications has passed. Applicants will be notified by March 26, 2010.
IEEE GRSS Travel Grant - Limited funding is available to IEEE GRSS members selected for program presentation who require assistance with travel costs. Requirements: Completed travel support application, copy of IEEE membership card, list of other funding sources, and statement of need.
Student Travel Stipends - To qualify for a student travel stipend, the applicant must be the first author and a full-time student. The student must be a member of IEEE or have a letter of endorsement from an IEEE member. Requirements: Completed travel support application, copy of IEEE student membership card or letter of endorsement from an IEEE member. If having not already done so, students will be required to join as an IEEE Student Member at the time of IGARSS Symposium check in and verification of attendance.
Travel Loans - Repayable travel loans are available; please click here to apply. Loans, unlike grants, may depend upon your personal credit history.