[Download the PDF Call for Papers]
On behalf of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the IGARSS 2010 Organizing Committee, and the remote sensing and earth science communities, we are pleased to welcome you to Honolulu for IGARSS 2010! IGARSS 2010 will mark the 30th anniversary for GRSS and IGARSS and continues the excellent tradition of gathering world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of geoscience and remote sensing to meet and present their latest activities. Truly an international event, we anticipate well over one thousand participants from all over the world to enjoy a week of technical sessions, tutorials, exhibits and social activities.
This is the second time that the event will be held in Honolulu and the first time any previous IGARSS venue has been revisited. A decade has passed since the 20th IGARSS meeting was held in Honolulu and the size and scope of the meeting continues to grow and respond to our rapidly developing fields of interest. IGARSS 2010 will be an exciting celebration of the 30th anniversary and emphasize the emerging field of community remote sensing as part of the conference theme: Global Vision for Local Action. The rapid emergence of ‘citizen science’ and social networks is a promising new means for augmenting the foundation of knowledge from government sponsored satellites and observing systems. To highlight the importance of these new tools, the emerging field of “community remote sensing” will be spotlighted in a year-long series of projects leading up to the symposium plenary session. More information on these projects, and on technical sessions related to the theme, is available on the IGARSS 2010 website.
Participation in IGARSS is open to all individuals interested in or working in the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. Abstracts must be received by the deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard peer review process. Late abstracts cannot be accepted due to the large number of submissions and short review schedule. The IEEE IGARSS 2010 Technical Program Committee will organize all accepted abstracts into either oral or interactive poster sessions based upon their potential contribution to the symposium and the composition of high-quality sessions. Session Co-chairs will be appointed as early as possible to help TPC setting the highest quality for oral and interactive sessions.
Only accepted papers that are registered and presented at the symposium in Honolulu will be published in the symposium proceedings and be assigned to the IEEE GRSS publication reference. Electronic media containing all accepted IGARSS 2010 abstracts will be distributed to registered attendees at the registration desk.